Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cheyenne's Graduation

Well today Cheyenne graduated from kindergarten! The pics aren't the best because I was trying to run a video camera at the same time. The ceremony was really cute!

This is her whole class

Cheyenne getting her diploma

Yeah I did it!

Look at my gifts

Cheyenne giving her teacher flowers

Cheyenne and me

Cheyenne and Darian


Anonymous said...

Wow! Schools out already?! I can't believe how big Cheyenne is, I still remember her cute baby chub! Matt sure is a cutie.
I love your hair! its so pretty

Britney said...

Well for some reason they had graduation a week before school get's out, but Thursday is her last day! Thank you! I've been growing my hair out for a long time now. It was hard to get used to after it was short for so long!